Here are the articles/pictures mentioned during the podcast with the approximate time stamp. Thanks for listening!
Articles about Josef’s Great-Grandmother’s murder, starting at the 8-minute mark:
Photos of Josef’s Great-Grandfather as a child with his siblings and mother (Starts at ~11:30 mark):
1923 Article Mentioning Joseph’s Great-Grandfather (~12-minute mark):
Photos of Albert Newgarden (Josef’s great-great-grandfather), ~12:45 mark:
Photo of Albert Newgarden and Fannie Schwartzenberger (~13:35 mark):
Passenger Log that shows original Newgarden spelling (~13:50 mark):
Albert Newgarden Patient Fatality (14:30 mark):
Photo of Fannie Schwartzenberger, age 19 (~15:45 mark):
Fannie Schwartzenberger’s Duck and Plover Painting that was displayed in exhibit (17:30 Mark):
Newgarden Bros Card (~20 Minute Mark):
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